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holmium  detail>>
in… mind’s eye
有……印象  detail>>
mind's eye
想像。  detail>>
eye-mind reaction
眼睛和智力反应  detail>>
eye-mind-hand coordination
眼-脑-手协调  detail>>
learning is the eye of the mind
知识是心灵的慧眼  detail>>
mind your eye
叫别人当心  detail>>
reappear in my mind’s eye
在我眼前重现  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
would you mind keeping an eye on the box
请分神照看一下这个箱子  detail>>
ho =【化学】 holmium 钬。
ho  detail>>
be of a mind
意见一致  detail>>
in mind
心里想着某人或某事  detail>>
 n.  1.心,精神 (opp. body); 心力,知,智力,智慧 (opp. heart)。 2.愿望,目的;意向,意志,决心;见解,意见。 3...  detail>>
of the mind
思想的  detail>>
s mind
罪犯心理矫治  detail>>
the mind
大脑 与心灵 欲知两段  detail>>
the mind and the
意根  detail>>